Monday, 20 February 2012

For those days

when you feel a bit off, let's propose a new term: they're check-in days. As per my wise roommate, who introduced this term to me, it's when you've had a bit of time to think and to self-evaluate and you abruptly question your sense of purpose with a 'Whoops, what am I actually doing?'. She doesn't mean like when you stop in the middle of a task, like erasing an old hard drive, because you forgot how to perform it. In a grander sense, it's about at which point you find yourself in your life. And if you're wondering why I'm leading off a post with this: oh yes, today was one of those days for me. It's ok, though, don't fret, because this thing (ennui, maybe? Help me out, French existentialists) passes pretty quickly. Sometimes all you need to do is to pick up copies of Evelyn Waugh books or walk past a park full of exuberant kids skating on Family Day and know that despite the odd stab of melancholy on an otherwise radiantly sunny day, things are perfectly fine.

For everyone's benefit, however, I will now helpfully provide a list of Things That Don't Assuage Melancholic Stabs of Sadness:
  • vacantly wandering the ADD wilderness of Tumblr and staring at GIFs of the Real Housewives until they stop making sense and you question the validity of your own existence
  • re-watching The Notebook for the first time since 2004 (Things that improve with time: Ryan Gosling. Things that don't: my threshold for old-people sadness)
  • anything to do with Lana Del Rey
  • anything to do with Whitney Houston (RIP)
  • (surprisingly) Bon Iver, or at least his latest album. I thought homeboy understood me, and maybe he does, but darn it if "Calgary" makes me want to weep and then give up on making creative things because he's a genius.
BONUS: Things That Do Help Assuage Melancholic Stabs of Sadness:
  • Evelyn Waugh's entire oeuvre
  • the comedy stylings of Jon Richardson
  • talking to my wee niece on the phone (who can't talk yet, but you can hear her breathing)
  • the prospect that tomorrow will be better
  • writing a blog post alllllll about it
BONUS BONUS: Jon knows that sometimes all you need is a good moan. Peaks and valleys!

Talk to y'all soon!

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